Register to pay taxes

You've already created your business with your state's government, but you also need to register to pay taxes with them. This is usually done with their "department of revenue" or similar division. You can typically do this registration online. Depending on your state, you may have had to create an account to file your articles of incorporation/organization; if so, you might use this system to register your business, or the state may have registered you automatically.

When you register, your state will tell you how often you need to pay taxes. Some states will email you a reminder, but if your state doesn't have that option, you should create a repeating calendar reminder for yourself so that you don't miss your tax payments.

After registering, your state will give you a state business identification number of some sort. You should add that number to your Business Numbers document for easy reference.

Most local governments require you to obtain a business license. Do so after finishing your state registration, as your state business number will likely be necessary. When you receive your local business license, add it (or a scan of it) to your Business Documents folder. You'll also need to pay local taxes; again, if your local government doesn't email you reminders to do so, set a calendar reminder for yourself.

Depending on what industry you're in, you may also need to obtain licensing and pay additional fees to your local, state, and/or federal government. For example, if you're starting a restaurant, you'll probably need health inspections from your local government to get a license to sell food, and you'll probably need to pay an extra set of fees for this license. Check the regulations for all levels of government for your industry to make sure you don't operate without the appropriate licensing.

